At the November 4th meeting of the Board of Education, the behavior of Mr. Geiger and and Dr. Eastwood was shocking, disturbing, and indicative of a general pattern of behavior. On several occasions he prohibited Mrs. Isseks and Mr. Paul from asking questions. In the process, he both insulted and denigrated them for the nature, and appropriateness of their questions. His response to their asking of probing questions is nothing new, and has been the subject of previous blogs. Mr. Geiger, Dr.Eastwood, and the board majority react aggressively, reflexively, and with hostility to all individuals who question or challenge the image and propaganda promulgated by the district.
The public may remember when Mr. Geiger prevented the Mayor from speaking at a board meeting, and he prohibited a board member from another district form speaking. At that time, Mr. Geiger and Dr. Eastwood had this individual arrested for trespassing, and they both currently are being sued in Federal Court over this incident On several occasions, in the name of maintaining order, Mr. Geiger has prohibited Mrs. Isseks, Dr. Mauro, and Mr. Paul from asking pertinent and relevant questions. At the same time, he does not inhibit his fellow members of the board majority from interjecting statements and asking questions. In sum, all these observations brings us to only one conclusion i.e. Mr. Geiger, Dr. Eastwood, and the board majority are suppressing dissent, and unwanted probing questions.
As part of its definition of Fascism, Webster includes these statements in its definition -
... a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control...
... social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition...
Using this description of fascism, and from the information the public already has about the district, we will leave it to our readers to determine whether or not the term fascist is appropriately applied to the district.