According to Mayor DeStefano, in response to the formation of the Community Access Committee, Dr. Eastwood has indicated that the school district may end its participation in Ch 20. This position was presented to the Mayor without consulting the board. Although Mayor DeStefano has informed Dr. Eastwood that the committee will have no or little effect on the school district's current programing, Dr Eastwood has rejected all attempts by the Mayor to work together in the operation of the TV station. It would appear that Dr. Eastwood is incapable working with other individuals unless he is totally in charge, and in total control.
Unfortunately, with his unquestioning support from the board majority, the district may be pulling the plug on their use of Ch 20 in the near future. It is regrettable that the students may lose their ability to participate in Ch 20 because Dr. Eastwood is incapable of working with this new committee, and the Mayor.