The following is a transcript of an email sent to Mr. Estrada on September 26, 2011 at 11:09. The Board of Education, Teacher Union President, Ms. Esposito, and High School Principal, Mr. Gonzalez were copied.
Subject: Summer Hiring
From this email and Ken's earlier email, I gather that there may be some dissension in the ranks. What is this all about? I did hear an unconfirmed rumor that Ken hired a teacher for summer school to teach a non remedial math course to only four athletes. This type of course offering would be contrary to past practices. I gather that these graduated students needed this course in order to accept their athletic scholarships, and the students were given credit for this course even without completing the required weeks for summer school. Special treatment? Visions of Newburgh? Please confirm or deny this rumor.
To date, no reply has been given, and none is anticipated. As a point of fact, summer school is suppose to be only for remedial work,and class size is usually about 25 students. The public has the right to have the substance of this rumor confirmed or denied, and the right to know if special treatment was arranged for some students.
Dr. Nicholas A. Mauro