In response to our earlier posting of Dr. Mauro's email to Mr. Estrada (see copy of email below), Inside Middletown Schools was contacted by a school employee and given an update about this matter. According to the employee, the district did attempt to offer a special math course to four graduated student athletes. The district only suspended these efforts after being informed that the NCAA would not accept this special course. At the same time, our posting of Dr. Mauro's email has kicked up a firestorm and an investigation by the district's labor attorneys about special treatment for athletes in summer school. To our knowledge, both district employees and board members have been questioned. Inside Middletown Schools questions the need for this investigation. One would think Dr.Eastwood should be aware of all the facts surrounding this matter. Could the true purpose of this investigation be to uncover the source(s) for these information leaks and/or to intimidate employees about releasing future information ? To date, the administration has neither commented nor clarified this matter. We await their response.