Thursday, August 19, 2010

Eastwood Claims That Chorley Roof Leaks Have Been Corrected

At the August 5th meeting of the Board of Education, Dr Eastwood claimed that the Chorley's leaking roof had been corrected. For years, Chorley's roof has been plagued with water leaks. His announcement came after the State Health department had been notified of the problem. Miraculously, Chorley's water leak problem was solved and corrected without an expenditure of vast sums of district monies. How? This occurrence happened in face of the very poor condition of the roof as reported by RSA (District Architects) in '09. To date, the correction of Chorley's roof has been only a dream, and we would suggest that the people who take care of the building do not give away their extra water buckets. If you are a betting person, we would suggest that you do not bet that Chorley's roof will not leak again. And with these leaks comes a mold problem. However, the state is aware of this situation and we will keep you informed of when Chorley's roof leaks again.