Friday, April 13, 2012

The 20012-2013 Middletown School District Budget

If the Middletown School District budget is approved by the voters this May, some district taxpayers will be saddled with a total school taxes increase of approximately 30% for a three year period. In the past, Dr. Eastwood appears to have promoted large school tax increases. Reported in a March, 2005 newspaper article in Oswego's "Palladian Times", Mr. Fisher, Dr. Eastwood's replacement as superintendent stated, "... taxes were increased by 60% in the previous four years..." In Middletown. for the past three years, Dr. Eastwood and his supporters on the board of education have refused to make the necessary cuts in staff and program to avoid raising our taxes. Rather, they complain about the Governor's cuts in state aid, the legislature's refusal to get rid of mandates, and how unfair is the need to have a 60% plus 1 vote on the budget to override the tax cap.

Neither Dr. Eastwood nor his board have given little more than lip service to the financial problems of district taxpayers. Even the fact that approximately 450 house in Middletown are in danger of foreclosure for non payment of taxes has had any effect on them from increasing your taxes again this year. After playing the blame game, Dr. Eastwood and his supporters
refuse to accept the fact that our local tax payers can no longer afford to make up for cuts in state aid. They appear to be out of touch with tax payers, and to be living in an ivory tower or dream world. For example, they appear to believe that paying over a half a million dollars more for "better bricks" or more expensive granite rather than concrete curbing constitute a prudent use of limited public funds. The fact that we are even building a new school in these hard times brings into question Dr. Eastwood's and the board's ability to understand the needs and problems of local taxpayers.

Given the fact that Dr. Eastwood has a salary with benefits between $250,000-$300,000, might make his lack of understanding of the financial problems of district tax payers more understandable. The board's attitude and support for higher taxes is more difficult to explain. As the elect
representatives of the public, they should be aware of the financial problems of tax payers as well as the financial needs of the school district. While cutting teaching positions, they even saw fit this year to set aside $13,000 for Dr. Eastwood's raise. Where are their priorities ?

The public needs to come out to vote and oppose increased taxes. Unlike previous years, if this budget is turned down twice by the voters, the contingency budget forced upon the district will have a 0% tax increase. The decision to raise your taxes is in your hands. VOTE NO TO INCREASED SCHOOL TAXES !!!