Truman Moon is on the chopping block. That's right, folks! We at "Inside Middletown Schools" are prepared to go public and inform you all that the school which holds some 400-500 students will close when the new elementary school (that will replace Chorley) is built.
In documents obtained by "Inside Middletown Schools" - which we'll soon be posting on this blog - is clearly shows that in order to justify the building of the new elementary school to the state education department, Middletown school officials cited the removal of all students that currently exist in Chorley AND Truman Moon.
When recently asked about this piece of information, Dr. Kenneth W. Eastwood flat-out lied and misinformed the public saying that there were no plans to slash Truman Moon. However, documentation submitted by the school district to the state will soon prove otherwise.
Rumor has it that SUNY Orange, which main campus is within walking distance from the school, has expressed interest in the property, although no one was able to confirm or deny in time for this posting. After all is said and done, the question still remains: Why the cover up? Why not left the public at large know that their beloved elementary school will soon be vacated in preparation for the new elementary school? No one knows for sure. But one thing is for sure; we at "Inside Middletown Schools" will be covering this story very closely and will be reporting it here on this blog -- just for you!