Once again, at the Sept 2nd board of education meeting, Dr Eastwood attempted to portray himself as the defender of the district's children, and the protector of the district from potential legal action. This self serving characterization of himself is ridiculous and a gross exaggeration of the situation. Currently, this issue is before the courts in an article 78, and they will decided the legal aspects of this dispute. Dr. Eastwood's meeting comments appear to be nothing more than a desperate attempt to bolster and defend his image in the eyes of the public. Let's look at the facts.
The cost for the improved sewer will be less than 2% of the total cost of the building, and will come from the same source. Namely, the local taxpayers. The cost will come from either Middletown's city taxes or district school taxes. This point has already been made by the press, and at September 2nd board meeting. If the district loses the case, the legal question of whether or not the district may pay for the sewer improvements will be answered. The district can be pay its fair share for these improvements, and the school can be built. Conversely, if the city loses , the cost can be paid from city taxes. There is no requirement that this issue be appealed by either side. Regardless, local taxpayer will pay for these improvements.
In Dr. Eastwood's resent tirades, the only thing he appears to be defending is his past evaluation of the sewer situation, and his past comments and behavior towards the Mayor. For him to use the construction of this new school as a pawn in this depute, is inappropriate.